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Have you ever wanted more time and more help in your...
Love is in the air and our mind’s on Flair. This month we celebrate Valentine’s Day by spending quality time with our significant others. In between practice time of course! This...
Probably a little of both. With a slight chill in the air and the stockings hung with with care. Christmas is upon us and with that, old traditions mixed with some...
One of the biggest treats this year was the long awaited return of the Flair bartending competition that started it all. Thanks to Jim Allison of the FBA and Ken Hall...
First off congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Adam Kotarski! Adam and Lori have been involved in the industry for quite some time and are not only in love with Flair but...
Now that the hot hot summer is giving way to a cool breeze surely you have no excuse to get out and practice. But before you shine those tins and dust...
Time to slow down the summer partying and pick up the bottles. There are some major Flair competitions coming up and its time to start practicing and move on to the...
Fire up the grill, pass the barbeque sauce and light some explosives. It’s fourth of July Flairbar.com style. Now that everybody has recuperated from Bartenders Bash, It’s time to move on...
Welcome back one and all. The last month has been insane! It started with a simple plan, which was to go to Bartenders Bash at Islamorada in the Florida Keys and...
Time For a Few More Parties and Big Tips before the Sizzle Starts Every time I think we can’t possibly match the quality and edge of the last issue, the Flairbar.com...
For those of us in the northern hemisphere, Spring has sprung and it’s time to get back to sun-worship and practicing in the park. We are thrilled to bring you yet...