Utlizing ‘AI’ Artificial Intelligence Software in the Hospitality Industry
Have you ever wanted more time and more help in your...
A remark heard all too often in a Flair bar… For some reason it seems bar patrons that frequent bars that have a Flair bartender behind the wood love to shout...
One of the first head to head challenge is over and man what a show it turned out to be. The concept was great and the execution even greater. I’m sure...
Have you ever heard the phrase “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks”? Perhaps that is the mindset of some Bartenders these days. Too many Bartenders I meet seem to...
Place: Cologne Germany Destination: Beach Club on the Rhein River Purpose: Judge the Havana Club Gar Giants competition This was my second year judging the Bar Giants competition in Germany. It...
Getting old sucks. Weight flies on at approximately the same speed as hair flies off. New and interesting problems occur in places you’d really rather not think about. Having spent the...
Football has the NFL, Basketball has the NBA and Flair bartending… we have the FBA, the Flair Bartenders Association “www.barflair.org“. The FBA started back months before “The Quest for the Best...
WOW!!! As usual this years Bartenders Bash was a blast. With the thoughts of this being the last one in the back of everybody’s mind. We were not going to go...
And so it began… About five years ago, I was enjoying life and having tons of fun partying hard, bartending, meeting people, traveling the world doing shows, competing, practicing, training… basically...
“You know I’m here for the party. I ain’t leaving till I get my fill. I’m gonna have a little fun, gonna get me some you know I’m here…” All I...
“Can you do that with a full bottle?”, a testy guest yells out with a sarcastic smirk. “Why sure…..Check this out…..”, as I then proceed to snag a full bottle...