
Featured Article: The common practice of adding post-distillation sugar to rum, a “counterfeit” tactic or just another method to achieve a desired flavor profile?

Updated: June 16, 2015

Adding sugar to a dish can increase palatability and acceptance of what might otherwise be a lackluster recipe (what I like to call the Chef Boyardee method).

Rum producers, outside of the Jamaican ones, frequently add sugar, unbeknownst to the consumer, to their distilled product, with the premium bottles often having the greatest amount of added sugar.

Is this a disingenuous “cheat” or “counterfeit” tactic or just a one of many potential manufacturing practices to achieve a desired flavor profile?

Read the following article for Richard Seale’s (Master Distiller and Blender at
R. L. Seale and Foursqure Distillery in Barbados) opinion on the matter.

Article link: http://thefloatingrumshack.com/content/index.php/168-talking-rum-and-sugar-with-richard-seale

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