
Featured Article: The cryptic secret agent-worthy history of Don the Beachcomber’s groundbreaking Zombie cocktail.

Updated: June 16, 2015

The history of Don’s original Zombie recipe was one of encoded recipes with premixed syrups with mysterious names such as “Spices #2″ and “Spices #4″ some which were compounded by a chemist in secrecy.

“Ray would go to the Astra Company out in Inglewood to pick up #2 and #4,” Mike told the Bum. “A chemist would open a safe, take out the ingredients, and twirl some knobs in a big mixing machine, filling up a case while Ray waited. Then they’d close up the secret stuff in the safe. Ray took the bottles — marked only #2 and #4 — back to Don The Beachcomber’s.” All well and good, but what did #4 taste like? “I have no idea,” Mike shrugged. “Astra was owned by a guy named John Lancaster, who died of cancer in the ‘60s. The company’s long-gone.”

This article describes Beachbum Berry’s quest to decipher his competitor’s original Zombie recipe.

Article link: http://beachbumberry.com/recipe-zombie.html

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