
THE QUEST FOR THE BEST! Could it be you?

Updated: October 1, 2006

SFBC2_CesarYou never know… there is only one way to find out. It is that time of year again, the “Quest” for the best bartender is on.

With three different divisions to compete in Pro, Advanced and Amatuer… they have a division that is right for you. With roughly 40 Amateurs, 37 Advanced and 30 Pros, this years Quest will be a guaranteed good show!

All of those bartenders under one roof and you are guaranteed to have a good time. Whether it be at the local Ale House, Denny’s, TGIFridays or hotel elevator… you can bet there will be a lot of Skyy Vodka consumed by all.



The_boysSpeaking of consuming… you can check out our ‘Flavors’ page brought to you this month from the top three competitors in the “Navan Mixology Contest” at the “Summer Flair Bartender Competition 2″!

We couldn’t bring up “Summer Flair 2″ and include it on our cover without showing what a great time it was! Head judge Mike McLean reviews “Summer Flair 2″ this month on our ‘Comp Reviews’ page. Featured on this month’s Flairbar.com cover is Dave Monterde the “Navan Mixology Contest” winner and Rodrigo Delpech the first ever “Flair Trick Contest” winner as well as the “Overall” Winner. Congrats to you both.



Larry_GwenThe we continue with the “Summer Flair 2″ theme and learn a little more about one of this month’s Flairbar.com cover star… Dave Monterde. Learn how he mixes it up with mixology on our ‘Interviews’ page.

If you are still craving more we have Rodrigo and Ivana Delpech teaching you a four bottle sequence with a tandem finish… all on our ‘Masterclass’ page.

Then we move on to “Old School Vs. New School” on our ‘Articles’ page. Two styles of Bartending… but which one is right? We show both point of views and how we can work together.


BudweiserWhile you are practicing for all of these competitions you will almost definitely need a Flairco portable bar. It is the standard in all major Flair bartending competitions. Ever wonder how the magic puzzle breaks down into a suitcase? Wonder no more… you can learn more on our ‘And Finally’ page. What bartenders really ever look at directions anyway’s?

Kevin Bednarz is back again with our newest addition “Flairmation” which “Last Call Larry” is traveling to compete in this years “Quest” on our “Flairmation” page. Last Call Larry is the man!



Tony_TGIFridaysFor all of you mixologists out there… Don’t forget to check out our new content collector called ‘Cocktails’. This is where you can share your own Skyy vodka and Finest Call cocktail recipes with the rest of the world and get credit for it. Have a great drink you invented? Want to share it with the rest of the world? Think it is worthy? Prove it!

Then we have a new ‘Reader Contest’ where you get to show off your Flair crib and have a chance to win a lot of cool prizes! Who has the best Flair crib? Is it you? Show us! What are you waiting for, if you don’t enter you can’t win!



TGIFridaysAll of this plus our regular features, ‘Cut Off’ by Toby Ellis, more ‘Barware’, more pages, and more Flair than you can shake the “Summer Flair 2 Trick Contest” at..







To Flair & Friends.

Rob Husted


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