Utlizing ‘AI’ Artificial Intelligence Software in the Hospitality Industry
Have you ever wanted more time and more help in your...
From starting out learning Flair while still in High School to competing in a world wide Flair competition all before the age of 21… James Burke. He is part of the...
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ALOE SI ALOE LA 2 1/2oz ALOE JUICE CARAIBOS 1/2oz Fresh Lime juice 1oz FUNKIN Apple Puree Method: Non Alcoholic. Combine 2 1/2oz ALOE JUICE CARAIBOS, 1/2oz fresh lime juice...
February in America has a couple important holidays… Ash Wednesday, Presidents Day, Martin Luther King Day and also Valentines Day. Valentines Day is about love and being loved. This was...
Looking back we saw another huge growth with our industry. Some major changes with some key players and some new faces we are welcoming to our ever growing Flair family. The...