
FLAIR FIRE WORKS But only for the experienced…

Updated: July 1, 2006

Martini_artEverybody loves to be entertained. I mean face it… why else would our guests come to our bar and purchase drinks from us when they can just make them at home? One word… Entertainment. That and to meet people of course. ;-)

One form of entertainment that draws thousands of people all to different places throughout the United States this month is… fireworks. Fireworks are cool… FIRE, FIRE, FIRE… People love fire and love even more when they see a properly trained Flair bartender perform an awesome fire show with style and precision. So I say what the crowd wants the crowd will get…

So practice at home and when you are ready, put on a show that they will soon not forget. Just make sure to have the fire extinguisher ready…

Speaking of fire, someone who is red hot right now is Ati Tedesco. Her and Ken Hall where just on national television performing a Flair routine on the show “Masters of Champions”. This month our hottie teaches us a cool Finest Call and two tin pour for you to learn. Check it out on our ‘Masterclass’ page. And by the way its Flair not Flare…



Rob_bdayIts hard to talk about Flair without bringing up the FBA. This month we take a closer look at our governing body of our sport of Flair bartending. You can read the full article on our ‘Articles’ page. Membership has it’s privileges!

Next we move on to our July Flairbar.com cover star Justin Keane. He is racking up the points on the FBA Pro Tour and thought it was time to get to know a little bit more about him. Put down the tins and check it out on our ‘Interviews’ page.

For all of you mixologists out there… Don’t forget to check out our new content collector called ‘Cocktails’. This is where you can share your own Skyy vodka and Finest Call cocktail recipes with the rest of the world and get credit for it. Have a great drink you invented? Want to share it with the rest of the world? Think it is worthy? Prove it!


MartinNext we take a look at one of the best tools we have to practice the art of Flair… Flair practice bottles. It seems lately everybody is trying to cash in on this big market. We match them up and compare them against each other to see which one is the best. All on our “Reviews” page. Anyone got a broom?
Looking for something fun and sexy to serve those ladies that come to your bar seeking something more? Well we have one solution for you on our ‘And Finally’ page. You got to love sexy panties in the tip jar…





Teddie_readingWe have a new ‘Reader Contest’ for you our loyal readers plus our regular features, more ‘Barware’, more pages, and more Flair than you can shake a cheap knock off practice Flair bottle at.









To Flair & Friends.

Rob Husted


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