  • FBC_Love_me_2_times_BO

    Love me two times…..

    That’s what the bartending industry has told me.  My first love was Flair bartending, my second was Mixology. I started tending bar a few months after turning 18 as a fun...

  • FBC_Love_me_2_times

    Love me two times…..

    That’s what the bartending industry has told me.  My first love was Flair bartending, my second was Mixology. I started tending bar a few months after turning 18 as a fun...

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    LIFE AFTER FLAIR – Owning a bar (Part IV)

      When we first started writing articles for Flair Bar we fully intended to write articles every month to update the Hangout’s progress and to educate others on our progress. We...

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    LIFE AFTER FLAIR – Owning a bar (Part III)

    Getting away from the “How’s” of running a bar, we should bring up the one thing you will need that’s very important. Time.  We will assume you’re not filthy rich and...


    LIFE AFTER FLAIR – Owning a bar (Part II)

    So you are now interested in starting your own bar venture. What comes next? There are certain steps you must take to be successful. We had to make a few decisions...

  • Article_Spread

    LIFE AFTER FLAIR – Owning a bar

    Are you tired of working for someone else? Are you tired of seeing your ideas put money in someone else’s pocket? Are you at that point in your bartending career where...