
GOOD FORTUNE WILL SMILE UPON THEE! A sign of good things to come…

Updated: July 1, 2008

FBC_BBS08_BMartiniNo we weren’t on vacation since the last issue of Flairbar.com. We have been extremely busy paving the roads of the Flair highway. We have organized 4 competitions in the last two months, trainings, my birthday, my father surviving a heart attack, special events, and ohh yeah… having a social life ;-)

Well time to get back to business and sorry to keep you waiting… and I suggest you to do the same. I’m sure we are all feeling the same thing over all parts of the world. The economy sucks right now, and for some it seems the money we used to make not so long ago has become considerably less and less. Along with that prices are starting to go up and up. I’m not a mathematical genius but eventually if you haven’t already you are going to notice it.


FBC_BBS08_1800So what I suggest is to get back on track with your goals and make stuff happen. If your bar has slowed down then do something about it… don’t wait for it to fix itself or even worse management to fix it for you. Go out and promote, create a buzz, make friendships, prepare a new drink menu, create a fun distraction in people’s lives, give people a reason to visit you and want to stay to spend money week after week. If their hurting from the economy just as bad they might be a little apprehensive to reach into their pockets but keep in mind everybody needs a little time away… ;-)



FBC_SKYY_art_promoSpeaking of a little time away… if you were lucky enough to join us for the “Bartenders Bash Series” down in the Florida Keys or for the second part of the series in Fort Lauderdale, Florida then I’m certain of two things… 1. You probably still have occasional cravings for alcohol at 11am and… 2. You had one hell of a time! For those that missed out, you can read more about it in our Flairbar.com article entitled “Flair & Fun Under The Florida Sun…”. Our Bartenders Bash Series recap of the events… at least the ones we remember. Check it out on our ‘Articles’ page. I really love those Alchol-X hangover pills… they work every year.

On the cover of this months issue Flairbar.com is no stranger to Bartenders Bash and has been attending for many years. Taking third place down in the Florida Keys… Mr. James “Franchize” Hadhazy. Check out “Juggling a Flair Franchize” featuring James Hadhazy all on our ‘Interviews’ page. What are the odds of two Flair bartenders from the same bar making back to back covers of Flairbar.com? I’m not sure but when I’m in out Las Vegas for Nations I will be sure to place a bet at their bar!

If you can’t get enough of James and want to see more of him, then head on over to on our ‘And Finally’ page and see James Hadhazy “Reach for the SKYY”. Love that pic Ati

After you learn one way to “Reach for the SKYY” and in keeping in the fun and free spirit of the summer and the “Bartenders Bash Series”, we have a treat for you on our ‘Masterclass’ page where we learn a maneuver called the “Michigan Shot”. A fun way to take a shot when your fresh out of mixers. Check it out!

FBC_FBS08_winnersThen we head over to Paris, France with Laurent Greco from Bar Academy Paris as he shares with us his “Sumptuous Indulgences” on our ‘Flavors’ page. Always some good Mixology showcased!

Kevin Bednarz is back again with one of our newest additions, “Flairmation” which we revisit “Last Call Larry” dealing with friends Flairing under the influence. All on our “Flairmation” page. Yeah, I have been that guy… how about you?



FBC_FC_stallWe are pleased to announce that the “Glossary” is back! It took some work but we blew off the dust and changed the batteries and it is up and running at full power. Be sure to keep an eye on it as we will continue to keep adding to this on going database of Flair bartending knowledge.
Next we have a new ‘Reader Contest’ for our loyal Flairbar.com readers. Congratulations to Kevin Landau for winning last months contest! Plus our regular features, more ‘Barware’, more pages, and more Flair than you can shake JD Spradlin at.

So take some time out and enjoy a cocktail with SKYY Vodka, Finest Call, Midori or X-Rated Fusion Liqueur as you enjoy this months issue of Flairbar.com and say “Thank You” to this sponsors who keep our sport alive.







To Flair & Friends.

Rob Husted


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