
Cocktail Competition Rules BSD2024

Cocktail Competition Rules

The Cocktail Contest will test a Bartender’s skills in crafting an original cocktail recipe & story, bartending technique, cleanliness & more.


Bartenders can setup their front bar any way they like.

Bartenders can pre-ice any tins or glassware if they like.

Garnishes can be done ahead of time with no time limit and cocktails may be pre-garnished if you like.

Bartenders will have six minutes to create one original cocktail four times. Three for the judges and one for camera.

The Emcee will count the bartender down from 3,2,1,.. Go to start and the bartender is finished by presenting their cocktail, putting hands in the air or saying “TIME”. At the end of six minutes, Time will be called and the bartender must stop what they are doing and will be judged on the serviceable cocktails they have created at that point.

Specialty Cocktail
(You are making 4 of these)
At least 2 Spirit Sponsors (totaling a minimum of 1 1/2oz per cocktail)
Reàl Syrups (any expression & at least 1/2oz per cocktail)
Ingredients: Competitors Choice
Glassware & Garnish: Competitor Provided

• On stage there will be a back bar with 1 bottle each of SKYY Vodka, Gin, Rum, Ilegal Joven Mezcal, Ilegal Reposado Mezcal, Whiskey & Presidente Brandy set half full, along with an additional set in your speed rail.

• Competitors may utilize any additional store bought ingredients, non-competing spirits or mixers, glassware, ice, garnishes, etc… in their Specialty Cocktail they wish as long as they supply it themselves, it is in their recipes and it adheres to the rules.

• Additional sponsored spirit bottles for your Specialty Cocktail in your recipe can be supplied by the competitor and must be in its original bottle and packaging.

• Non-competing spirits in your recipe will be supplied by the competitor and must be in its original bottle and packaging and can be set to any level.

• No other Vodka, Gin, Rum, Agave Spirit, Whiskey, Brandy, syrup or competitive mixer will be allowed.

• Homemade ingredients ARE ALLOWED.

• Competitors may utilize any homemade ingredients, juices, egg whites and aqua faba in any vessel they like.

• Competitor vessel and other additional spirits bottles the competitor supplies in your recipes other than half full Spirit Sponsors bottles on stage may be set to any level.

• We will provide standard hotel ice and if the competitor would like to use their own specialty ice, they are allowed as long as  they supply it themselves and have their own cooler to store it. We will not have an area to keep your ice cold or access to a fridge or freezer.

• There is no limit on ingredients or garnish.

• Competitors must clear their station within two (2) minutes after their routine.

• The bar will be cleaned and reset after each contestant. The bartender will have five (5) minutes to arrange their tins, specialty bottles, specialty store-n-pours, and props in their station. You may use the back bar for more room.

Competitors that have a high degree of difficulty or Guest involvement in their routines must discuss their routine and be pre-approved by Rob Husted prior to the start of your round.

• Any drinks, props, assistance or equipment that is not already at the bar other then standard bar equipment must be pre-approved by Rob Husted.

• If the competitor would like music for their routine they must submit their clearly labeled USB thumb drive to the DJ during the preliminary meeting. PLEASE, NO MUSIC FROM CELL PHONES.

• No fire other than a small torch for garnishes will be permitted on stage.

• The only Spirit Sponsor bottles we provide on stage are the half full bottles on the back bar and in your speed rail. You may pre-garnish and  pre-ice your glassware on the bartop.

• Competitors can rearrange items on the front bar schematic prior to the start of their round however they like. Competitors may not rearrange anything on the back bar schematic but may add items to it.

• Each competitor is responsible for emailing Dean Serneels the info for their Cocktail Network Live competitor slide consisting of Full Name, Head Shot, Personal Brand, Work Sponsor, Pro Sponsor (optional logo), Years Bartending and Years Flairing by October 1st.

Dean Serneels email address is: deanserneels@me.com

• Competitors must supply all other ingredients for their Specialty cocktails including glassware other than standard hotel ice, half full bottles of Vodka, Gin, Rum, Tequila, Whiskey, Brandy, Cola, Lemon wedges, Finest Call Single Pressed Lime & Lemon and Reàl syrups.

The contest shall be based on a point system, with a total of two hundred (200) points available to each competitor. Points may be accumulated during one round of competition with a fixed maximum number of points per round.

Mixology Points:
Bartending Technique: 50 points.
Presentation: 50 points.
Taste & Aroma: 50 points.
Originality: 50 points.


Wrong/Missing Ingredient: 5 points
Wrong Procedure: 5 points
Unsportsmanlike Conduct: Disqualification


Mixology Category Definitions:
Bartending Technique (50 points)
Technique- The bartender will be judged on their overall bartending technique and bartending skills during the cocktail building experience. Are you a master of your tools behind the bar or do show you are still learning proper clean efficient techniques?

Presentation (50 points)
Presentation- The judges will be looking at the overall appearance of the cocktail, is it appealing to the eye? Does it stand out from other cocktails? Does the overall appearance make sense? Does the bartender interact with the judges and tell the story of the cocktail and why they are using the ingredients they are or just eyes down and working through it?

Taste & Aroma (50 points)
Taste- The judges will be looking for the overall taste of the cocktail. Does the cocktail distinguish itself from other cocktails and is the taste appealing to the palate? Is the taste experience pleasurable and entice the senses as it is enjoyed by the tongue? Is the cocktail well balanced?

Aroma- The judges will be looking for the overall aroma of the cocktail. Is the odor appealing and help stimulate it’s consumption or is the odor unappealing and lack characteristics that don’t make sense with the recipe?

Originality (50 points)
Originality- How original is the Specialty Cocktail? Is it a replica of their cocktail on their menu already, a variation on one or something completely original and out of the box?


You will be competing on a Flairco Portable Bar.




If you would like specialty garnishes, ice or salts delivered to the event, Please reach out to one of our event sponsors at

Good Luck!



All rules are subject to change without notice and it is the competitor’s responsibility to check this page daily for updates as well as attend the Competitor Meet & Greet on Sunday October 6th at 9pm for any updates.

All competition questions will be answered from REGISTERED COMPETITORS by emailing “contact@barwars.info” with the subject “BSD Question” and then the answer will be posted at the bottom on the Bartenders’ Shakedown Main Page.

Bartenders’ Shakedown MainAccuracy Competition RulesSpeed Competition Rules -
Cocktail Competition RulesFlair Bartending Competition RulesEvent Partners -
Mixology Matters Cocktail Conference MainRegistration/Tickets – Judges & Staff – Live Broadcast


All Rules subject to change without notice.
Copyright BarWars LLC