Utlizing ‘AI’ Artificial Intelligence Software in the Hospitality Industry
Have you ever wanted more time and more help in your...
Please don’t think I get all my ideas from cartoons. But I was powerfully reminded of the differences between the US and the rest of the world when I read a...
Getting old sucks. Weight flies on at approximately the same speed as hair flies off. New and interesting problems occur in places you’d really rather not think about. Having spent the...
Few bartenders want to discuss tips rationally; the reason being that there’s only logic in tipping up to a point. So let’s call it over-tipping. Tipping per se only works for...
The Home Wet Bar (no, not a speed bar or a Flair practice bar) By Philip Duff, Netherlands via Ireland God protect us from bartending books, usually written by Euphonious T....
Old Dogs, New Tricks: Is There A Place For Flair In Style Bars?By Philip Duff, Netherlands via Ireland Every generation of young men and women Bartenders automatically seeks out the best-paying...