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Have you ever wanted more time and more help in your...
I can’t believe we are going into the 6th year of producing this website. Since we started we have gone from strength to strength and are now the premier independent web site dedicated to the art of Flair Bartending.
Over the years we have responded to you, our readers. As a result this website has morphed and evolved into what it is today. We are very excited with the new look and edition of many new pages. We are also thrilled with the alliance we now have with the FBA (Flair Bartenders’ Association, Inc.) where you can find all of our previous competition reviews and video clips in their archive.
We now have some fantastic deals and savings that we can pass on to you through our Shop, as well as continued, and increased presence, and the support of the best liquor companies in the world.
Most excitingly, we are now a monthly edition! Gone are the days of the occasional and sporadic update. Read this E-zine from cover to cover and please feel free to leave feedback. Without you, our readers, there would be no Flairbar.com.
Have you ever wanted more time and more help in your...
MANGO MAGIC: Marco Estrada, Brownsville, TX 1 ½ oz Aviation Gin ¾...
ALOE WOK: Olya Sabanina, Saint Petersburg, Russia 1 1/3 oz Aviation Gin...
We have all strived to become better at our craft, or else,...
About the author, Elton Marvin Jr. has worked in the food and...
From starting out picking up a Flairco bottle after watching the movie...
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Click “Play” on the video above.
Click “Play” on the video above.