
Trivia Answer: Name the Cocktail – The Saturn Cocktail, originally called the X-15.

Updated: October 20, 2015

The Saturn Cocktail, originally called the X-15.

Originally the Saturn Cocktail was named the X-15 after the North American X-15, a hypersonic rocket-powered aircraft operated by the United States Air Force and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration as part of the X-plane series of experimental aircraft.

As of September 2015, the X-15 holds the official world record for the highest speed ever reached by a manned, powered aircraft. Its maximum speed was 4,520 miles per hour (7,274 km/h), or Mach 6.72.

But in October, 1967, shortly after J. “Popo” Galsini introduced the drink, a pilot died in an X-15 crash and the drink was renamed the Saturn, potentially after another American aeronautical achievement, the Saturn V rocket that propelled the first manned Apollo flight in November, 1967.

The Saturn Cocktail

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