Utlizing ‘AI’ Artificial Intelligence Software in the Hospitality Industry
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From starting out with the movie “Cocktail” to competing on the very same stage he idolized starting out… Dario Doimo. He could be the next contender and the man to beat...
As the cold winter of 2009 ends and the bright warm summer of 2010 begins… we have new hopes, budgets, competitions, cocktails, goals, desires, dreams and friends… Things are positive and...
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“When times are hard, you appreciate the little things…” Wow! Looking back at 2009 we saw many changes. Some good and some not so good. This past year has been a...
From starting out flipping empty bottles in the backyard, to an award winning Corporate Mixologist… Brian Loukmas. From slinging drinks in a high volume bar, competing in Flair bartender competitions, organizing...
As the years go by, we see many bartenders come and go. Some great and some that just like to have a great time. Some pass by and some leave a...